A Northern Light
by Jennifer Donnelly

We both loved this book! History, mystery and stellar writing!
Main Character: Female
Recommended Age: 13+
When I was a teen, there were very few books that held my interest to the point that I couldn't put them down. As an adult, I'd have to say I'm even more selective; a book has to be pretty remarkable for me to delegate my precious few minutes that aren't already accounted for! And...to find one that actually draws you in, makes you forget where you are, and read until you really HAVE to go to sleep, well, that is truly rare indeed!
A Northern Light by Jennifer Donnelly is one of those books.
Mattie loves words. She aches to learn and write and discover the world beyond her life in the Adirondacks. Her days are filled with the responsibilities and limitations that are expected of her, but still she yearns for more.
Jennifer Donnelly's award winning young adult novel speaks with a voice that is so clear and unique you can see and hear every moment of this story. With each page, you come to know Mattie as well as you know yourself. The details, language, struggles and triumphs of this character transport you to the Adirondack Mountains in the early 1900's where you will feel every bit a part of that world as you do your own.

Mattie's personal story is interwoven with the tragic death that actually took place at the Glenmore Hotel where Mattie was employed during the summer of 1906. She is drawn in by a request from Grace Brown, one of the hotel guests, which puts her in the middle of a mystery that remains to this day, one of the most infamous crimes that took place in upstate New York.
Torn between breaking free to pursue her own dreams and living out a predictable future, Mattie articulates what many young women think, feel and want. This is an incredible book that I highly recommend and, in my opinion, is on par with Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre.
Well, I could go on, but I'd rather you spend your precious free moments reading this spectacular book rather than this post!
Want to Know More or Do Something Fun?
1. Check out the Adirondack Almanack!
Want to know more about the Adirondacks, then and now? Visit https://www.adirondackalmanack.com/
2. Do Some Sewing!
Try your hand at sewing - a necessary skill of the time and fun craft of today!
3. Make Pancakes!
In A Northern Light, pancakes are a special meal that Mattie and her family love. They drench them in maple syrup and thoroughly enjoy every bite! Click on the link below for a simple recipe to try: https://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/fluffy-pancakes/
4. Do a Crossword!
Mattie and her friend Weaver play a game with words, and you can do their version, or, do a challenging crossword puzzle!
Meeting and getting our books signed by A Northern Light author
Jennifer Donnelly at the Hudson Children's Book Festival!