Hear My Voice/Escucha Mi Voz - The Testimonies of Children Detained at the Southern Border of the United States is a powerful picture book which speaks the words of children in migration who were detained at the border.
The book features actual testimony by children who experienced neglect and inhumane conditions at the detention center in Clint, Texas along with other immigration detention centers in the United States.
The children’s words paint a grim and heartbreaking picture of the treatment that these children experienced while waiting to be reunited with family.
Illustrations contributed by 17 different artists provide a powerful accompaniment to Hear My Voice/Escucha Mi Voz. Each one is filled with meaning and emotion that brings a visual to the testimonials and shows how much each one of the illustrators cared about this project. Bios for each of the illustrators are also included.
This book features the words of children who experienced all of the above conditions and more. Even though this picture book is for children by children, it will gain value and provide more depth when read and discussed with an adult.
Hear My Voice/Escucha mi voz shares both the children’s narratives and also includes additional background information surrounding this human rights issue which has been downplayed in the past but has been brought to the forefront.
Hear My Voice/Escucha mi voz compiled by Warren Binford is a bilingual book with both English and Spanish versions contained within its covers. Read from one side for the English version or turn the book to the other side to read it in Spanish.
Also included is information for those who wish to find out more and help. All royalties from the sale of this book are being contributed to Project Amplify- an organization whose purpose is to support children in migration.
Do you have a son or daughter? Grandchild, niece or nephew? Imagine that he or she has been separated from her family and held in a room with too many other children of all ages.
She doesn’t have enough to eat, no change of clothes, no privacy when using one of the few toilets that has to be shared. She has no room to move around because it’s so crowded with only one aluminum blanket to chase away the cold at night. She wears the same clothing with no possibility of bathing for maybe three days, a week, even as long as twenty-one days. Welcome to America.
Hear My Voice is hard to read. It's unbelievable that these events happened. This powerful book puts it out there in plain and honest language and after you're done reading it, pass it on.

Be part of the solution by helping to raise awareness and listening to these young voices. Share their stories, talk about it with your children, find out more and help bring awareness and change to support these children and families that deserve better.
Also included is a description of the Flores lawsuit and settlement along with questions to ask and think about for younger readers and suggestions for how you and your family can help.
Find out more about Project Amplify here.
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This title was gifted to us by Workman Publishing and we're grateful to have received a copy of this powerful and moving book.